A personal bankruptcy filing can help you get a fresh start, putting an end to the non-stop phone calls, letters and legal actions you face. There are consequences to filing for bankruptcy, though. Before submitting aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 petition, you want to consider all the advantages and disadvantages, so that you make the decision that is … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy
Filed Under: Bankruptcy, Dallas, Rockwall Attorney, Uncategorized Tagged With: arrearages, attorney, automatic stay, bankruptcy protection, card cards, Carrie L. Weir, Chapter 13, Chapter 13 petition, Chapter 7, child support, child support payments, credit, credit report, creditors, debt reorganization, debts, discharge some debts, filing for bankruptcy, foreclosure, garnishments, home mortgage, law office, personal bankruptcy filing, re-establish your credit, rebuilding your credit, repossession proceedings, resolve debt problems, Rockwall, Rockwall County Bankruptcy Attorney, student loans, Texas