
If you own or operate a business, and you are struggling to pay your bills, you may be considering a personal or business bankruptcy petition. You may be uncertain of the options available to you, and whether your interests will best be served by a consumer or commercial bankruptcy. This blog post identifies the different options in personal and … [Read more...]


If you are struggling to pay your bills, you may have considered personal bankruptcy as a way to stop creditor harassment and get a fresh financial start. You may worry, though, that you will put all your assets at risk, that you may lose all the property you worked so hard to obtain. This blog post addresses how the consumer bankruptcy laws affect … [Read more...]

Call Rockwall bankruptcy lawyer Carrie Weir at 972-772-3083 or fill out the contact from below for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your options.

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Consumer Bankruptcy

Can I keep my car? Will bankruptcy stop a foreclosure? Will I ever be debt-free again? How will I ever pay these medical bills?

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you want to stop creditor harassment, eliminate repossession debt, stop garnishments and keep your house, and car, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy could help.

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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Are you in jeopardy of losing your house? Are you making good money but everyone is asking for payment right now? Do you want or need to stop collections?

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