The bankruptcy power called the "automatic stay"immediately stops a home foreclosurethe moment your bankruptcy is filed. What happens after that depends on whether you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case, and on what you want to accomplish. Buy Some Time with Chapter 7 A Chapter 7 "straight bankruptcy" cancels an immediately pending foreclosure … [Read more...]
How to Keep Your Home through Chapter 13
Filing either a Chapter 7 "straight bankruptcy" case or a Chapter 13 "adjustment of debts" one stops a pending home foreclosure, and prevent one from starting. If you're behind on your mortgage (or are about to be) and want to keep your home, whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 makes more sense depends on how far behind you are and how much help you … [Read more...]
How Chapter 13 Actually Works When Behind on a Mortgage
One of the main reasons that people file a Chapter 13 “adjustment of debts” bankruptcy is because of the many tools it provides to enable them to hold onto their homes. One of the most important of those tools is being able to have three to five years to catch up on back mortgage payments. Advantages over Chapter 7 “Straight Bankruptcy” First, … [Read more...]
Get Bankruptcy Advice BEFORE Selling Your Home
If you’re hurting financially, getting advice from a bankruptcy attorney before you sell your home could save you lots of money. Here’s how: Get Rid of Judgment Liens, Instead of Paying Them If you have been sued by a creditor, or by anybody, and you didn’t resolve and pay the obligation, most likely a judgment was entered against you. . You … [Read more...]