Your credit affects your ability to buy a home, obtain employment, and even get insurance. And you have a right to ensure that the credit reporting agencies report accurate information about you and protect your privacy. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted to protect those rights. Credit reporting agencies are regulated under … [Read more...]
When considering bankruptcy you are understandably concerned with what property you may keep. By understanding what exemptions are available to you in a bankruptcy it can help you take the necessary steps to resolve your financial situation. In Texas, federal and state exemptions are available to bankruptcy filers. On certain exemptions there are … [Read more...]
If you live in or around Rockwall, Texas, and you are struggling to make ends meet, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing can get you the fresh financial start you need. Not only will a bankruptcy filing put an immediate end to the harassing phone calls, letters and other efforts by creditors and bill collectors, but it can give you the time you need to … [Read more...]