Bankruptcy law has traps for the unwary as any area of law, and here are two very important ones. They are traps because they seem to not only go against common sense, but against what would otherwise be the honorable and the morally right thing to do. These two have to do with transactions—transfers of your possessions and your payments on … [Read more...]
Don’t Give Your Car Away or Repay Your Friend Before Filing Bankruptcy
The All-Important “Automatic Stay”
The “automatic stay” goes into effect the moment your bankruptcy case is filed. It is a provision in the bankruptcy law which stops virtually all efforts by your creditors to chase you or your property at the moment of filing. “Stay” is the legal word for “stop.” It is “automatic” because the very act of filing your case “operates as a stay” … [Read more...]
Chapter 7’s Treatment of Secured Debts
A Chapter 7, sometimes called “straight bankruptcy,” provides you with a number of important advantages with your secured debts. Those are debts in which your obligation to pay is secured by collateral, specifically by certain rights that the creditor has over your collateral. If you do not stay current on the agreed payments on the debt, the … [Read more...]
If you are a small business owner, and your business is struggling, you can feel the effect in your personal finances and your personal life as well. Bankruptcy can provide some relief, but you may be uncertain whether you should consider a personal bankruptcy petition or a business/commercial bankruptcy filing. This blog post addresses some of the … [Read more...]
A common misconception is that a bankruptcy wipes out all of your debt. However, although a bankruptcy can forgive many of your debts, it does not forgive all of them. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the non-exempt property and assets of the debtor are liquidated to pay off creditors. Property and assets that the court categorizes as exempt are not … [Read more...]
Unfortunately, foreclosures are at all time highs and many people lose sleep at night worrying about the future of their homes. Going through a foreclosure can be humiliating, stressful and represent a serious loss for your family. However, there are certain things that your Texas foreclosure attorney can help you to do to avoid foreclosure: • … [Read more...]
In a consumer bankruptcy filing, whether a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, one of the first things that happens is a creditors meeting. Often referred to as the 341 meeting, this is when you and the bankruptcy trustee meet with your creditors. Generally, the 341 meeting occurs three to six weeks after your initial filing. The meeting is usually … [Read more...]
When considering bankruptcy you are understandably concerned with what property you may keep. By understanding what exemptions are available to you in a bankruptcy it can help you take the necessary steps to resolve your financial situation. In Texas, federal and state exemptions are available to bankruptcy filers. On certain exemptions there are … [Read more...]
Although you aren’t required to hire a Texas bankruptcy lawyer to file for bankruptcy it is a good idea to consult with an experienced lawyer to better understand your situation. While there are countless books and websites that that offer advice on how to handle a bankruptcy by yourself, neither books nor websites can evaluate your set of … [Read more...]