When you're struggling to meet your financial obligations, one of the first debts that can get away from you is your mortgage. Unfortunately, it won't take long before you find yourself involved in foreclosure proceedings. Perhaps there's light at the end of the tunnel—you can see that your financial situation will improve dramatically in the near … [Read more...]
Unfortunately, foreclosures are at all time highs and many people lose sleep at night worrying about the future of their homes. Going through a foreclosure can be humiliating, stressful and represent a serious loss for your family. However, there are certain things that your Texas foreclosure attorney can help you to do to avoid foreclosure: • … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy
A personal bankruptcy filing can help you get a fresh start, putting an end to the non-stop phone calls, letters and legal actions you face. There are consequences to filing for bankruptcy, though. Before submitting aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 petition, you want to consider all the advantages and disadvantages, so that you make the decision that is … [Read more...]
Contact The Law Office of Carrie L. Weir
Contact Attorney Carrie Weir Today at 972-772-3083 As a consumer bankruptcy lawyer in Rockwall, Texas, I have spent more than 10 years helping individuals just like you get a fresh start. One of things that separates me from many other bankruptcy lawyers is that I do all the work myself. I want to know you and understand your issues and concerns. … [Read more...]