Strategies for Working with Aggressive Creditors When you are having a difficult time making ends meet, the stress and anxiety you face can make your life a continual struggle. At times like these, there's nothing worse than an aggressive creditor or collection agency, someone calling you at all hours of the day or night, threatening you with … [Read more...]
A More Complicated Chapter 13 Case
In the absolutely simplest Chapter 13 case you pay a monthly amount each month based on what you can afford and it's divided prorata among your unsecured debts. So, say, you pay $300 for 36 months, and all of your debts are paid 20% of what you owe, and at the end of the case all the remaining debts are discharged—written off. But Chapter 13 … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy
A personal bankruptcy filing can help you get a fresh start, putting an end to the non-stop phone calls, letters and legal actions you face. There are consequences to filing for bankruptcy, though. Before submitting aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 petition, you want to consider all the advantages and disadvantages, so that you make the decision that is … [Read more...]