The "Automatic Stay" The "automatic stay" is one of the most powerful tools of bankruptcy. It's the law that automatically goes into effect right when your bankruptcy case is filed, and stays—or stops —all collection activity against you and your property. Although the "automatic stay" protects you against just about anything a creditor can do … [Read more...]
The All-Important “Automatic Stay”
The “automatic stay” goes into effect the moment your bankruptcy case is filed. It is a provision in the bankruptcy law which stops virtually all efforts by your creditors to chase you or your property at the moment of filing. “Stay” is the legal word for “stop.” It is “automatic” because the very act of filing your case “operates as a stay” … [Read more...]
If you are struggling to pay your bills, you may have considered personal bankruptcy as a way to stop creditor harassment and get a fresh financial start. You may worry, though, that you will put all your assets at risk, that you may lose all the property you worked so hard to obtain. This blog post addresses how the consumer bankruptcy laws affect … [Read more...]
Pros and Cons of Filing for Bankruptcy
A personal bankruptcy filing can help you get a fresh start, putting an end to the non-stop phone calls, letters and legal actions you face. There are consequences to filing for bankruptcy, though. Before submitting aChapter 7 or Chapter 13 petition, you want to consider all the advantages and disadvantages, so that you make the decision that is … [Read more...]