The Texas Bankruptcy Exemptions

When you file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy in Texas, you can liquidate (permanently discharge) certain debts in exchange for the sale of non-exempt assets. As a general rule, family law obligations cannot be discharged, and tax debts and student loan arrearages are extremely hard to get rid of. You don't have to give up everything you own, either. In … [Read more...]

Stop Wage Garnishment in Texas with Bankruptcy

Texas is one of the few states in the country that generally don't allow the garnishment of wages for collection of consumer debts. But there are major exceptions where garnishments CAN occur, including: child support and alimony federal taxes student loans if your employer is out of state a judgment against you was entered in another … [Read more...]

Prevent IRS Garnishments

Exceptions Allowing IRS and Certain Other Wage Garnishment in Texas Texas is one of the few states in the country that generally don't allow the garnishment of wages for collection of consumer debts. But there are major exceptions where wage garnishments CAN occur: federal taxes child support and alimony student loans your employer is … [Read more...]


Your credit affects your ability to buy a home, obtain employment, and even get insurance. And you have a right to ensure that the credit reporting agencies report accurate information about you and protect your privacy. The federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted to protect those rights. Credit reporting agencies are regulated under … [Read more...]


Unfortunately, foreclosures are at all time highs and many people lose sleep at night worrying about the future of their homes. Going through a foreclosure can be humiliating, stressful and represent a serious loss for your family. However, there are certain things that your Texas foreclosure attorney can help you to do to avoid foreclosure: • … [Read more...]


In a consumer bankruptcy filing, whether a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13, one of the first things that happens is a creditors meeting. Often referred to as the 341 meeting, this is when you and the bankruptcy trustee meet with your creditors. Generally, the 341 meeting occurs three to six weeks after your initial filing. The meeting is usually … [Read more...]


When considering bankruptcy you are understandably concerned with what property you may keep. By understanding what exemptions are available to you in a bankruptcy it can help you take the necessary steps to resolve your financial situation. In Texas, federal and state exemptions are available to bankruptcy filers. On certain exemptions there are … [Read more...]


Although you aren’t required to hire a Texas bankruptcy lawyer to file for bankruptcy it is a good idea to consult with an experienced lawyer to better understand your situation. While there are countless books and websites that that offer advice on how to handle a bankruptcy by yourself, neither books nor websites can evaluate your set of … [Read more...]


If you live in or around Rockwall, Texas, and you are struggling to make ends meet, a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing can get you the fresh financial start you need. Not only will a bankruptcy filing put an immediate end to the harassing phone calls, letters and other efforts by creditors and bill collectors, but it can give you the time you need to … [Read more...]


If you own or operate a business, and you are struggling to pay your bills, you may be considering a personal or business bankruptcy petition. You may be uncertain of the options available to you, and whether your interests will best be served by a consumer or commercial bankruptcy. This blog post identifies the different options in personal and … [Read more...]

Call Rockwall bankruptcy lawyer Carrie Weir at 972-772-3083 or fill out the contact from below for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your options.

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Consumer Bankruptcy

Can I keep my car? Will bankruptcy stop a foreclosure? Will I ever be debt-free again? How will I ever pay these medical bills?

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

If you want to stop creditor harassment, eliminate repossession debt, stop garnishments and keep your house, and car, a Chapter 7 bankruptcy could help.

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Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Are you in jeopardy of losing your house? Are you making good money but everyone is asking for payment right now? Do you want or need to stop collections?

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